August Pinterest Challenge.

     Well I don't know about you but it's been pretty hot around here and that makes me want to stay inside surrounded by fans (and I don't mean my folding fan collection). Yeah, a bunch of fans is almost as good as an air conditioner...almost. Lol, seriously I'm not going to spend this whole post complaining about the heat most of us are dealing with but would a little rain in August be too much to ask for? This is why fall is my favorite season, it's cooler and it rains.

     Anyway since it's already August lets do a Pinterest Challenge. Here is the details for those of you just finding out about it. I decided to make a page explaining it so just follow this little link.

     For the challenge...(Randomly deciding off the top of my head) I'm choosing, made from nature. Yep, lets do this. Share pins or boards, whatever it is has to be made from nature and family friendly. Rock, wood, leather, dried flowers, if you can find it outside or create it from something natural lets see it. Yes even your pet rock with googly eyes glued on counts but pictures of a rock does not count, it's got to be altered from it's natural form a bit.

August Pinterest Challenge; something made from nature. Night Sea 90.

     My submission will be two of my boards, (branches) and (pine cones) both are full of diy or inspirational ideas and some regular nature pins. I can't wait to see what sort of pin and or board you come up with.

     Disclaimer, Well Anyway For My Disclaimer is the first word of each paragraph in this post. Did you know I'm picky about pine cones? The big ones are fine and all but I like short pine cones that are shaped like a chubby Christmas tree. I also love scented pine cones, the cinnamon ones that come out near Christmas. Someday I will have to get some cinnamon oil and learn how to make my own to have out all year long since cinnamon and pine cones are not a seasonal thing to me.

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