DIY winter snow globe dry terrarium

     Now if you've been reading a while you've probably noticed I like dry terrariums, actually I like all terrariums but this post is about dry terrariums. Unlike my Mermaid Terrarium, and my Feathered Fairy Terrarium, this terrarium requires no plant material (unless you want to add some and then feel free to to be creative.)

     If you're new and wondering 'What is a dry terrarium?' then my answer is, a preserved or artificial scene or garden in a jar which requires no care. It is called a dry terrarium due to the fact you do not need to water it, actually it's best if you don't. You can use whatever dry material you want in your terrarium, even salt or paper. They are so easy they would make a great family project.

DIY winter snow globe dry terrarium; makes a great centerpiece, gift, keepsake. What would you make this for?
This terrarium makes a great centerpiece, gift, keepsake.
What would you make this for?
What you will need;

A glass container with a lid or in my case a smaller container to act as a lid. This is to keep the scene within pristine but if it's a temporary thing, you don't need a lid.

A figurine, mini house, tiny statue, toys, ornaments, whatever you want to place in your terrarium. In my case I used a ceramic flower shop I bought out of the Christmas aisle for only a couple bucks.

Fake snow, you can use salt but it will be heavier and won't sparkle unless you mix in some glitter.

Optional; rocks, the bottom of a container to stabilize the house, hot glue to attach house to container bottom.

I had a large glass fishbowl laying around gathering dust so I decided I'd make a snow terrarium out of it. Due to the uneven bottom, I filled the base with rocks, found and cut a clear container to separate the snow from the stones and used hot glue to the base of the container.

DIY winter snowglobe dry terrarium; I hot glued the flower shop to the base to prevent it from falling against the fishbowl and breaking either one of them, it also prevents the fake snow from burying the rocks allowing them to show.
I hot glued the flower shop to the base to prevent it from falling
against the fishbowl and breaking either one of them, it also prevents
the fake snow from burying the rocks allowing them to show.

DIY winter snow globe dry terrarium; This is what the house looks like after being hot glued to the base. Check out Night Sea 90 for more photos of the terrarium.
This is what the house looks like after being hot glued to the base.
Clear was the best option for me, it also saved space on how much
fake snow to use so I didn't end up using more than I needed.
Basically it allowed me to fill the base with rocks instead of fake snow.

The finished product will look different due to my use of second hand/found object glass. I would love to find out how yours turns out, what sort of products you used. You can find contact information on my about page on how to contact me, you can tag my name on social media, there's an up to date list on what social media platforms I use.

Disclaimer; there's something magical about terrariums, they're tiny little worlds we cannot enter but can observe. Not all terrariums have live plants inside but all terrariums are alive with magic. With a little bit of work, anyone can create their own magical little world.

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